Achieve Personal Fitness


About the client:

Achieve Personal Fitness is a fitness training and nutrition coaching practice owned and operated by Coach Catherine Andersen. I was a client of Coach Catherine’s before her business became a client of mine. While feeling the burn during one of her workouts, she let me know she needed to take her business to the next level. Within 6-9 months, I helped her business go through a complete rebranding in terms of services, internal and external processes, communications, and how to go to market. I helped her define her audiences, communication platforms, and ultimately implemented MindBody to streamline registration and retain client data for better results.

To take it a step further, and allow her to take back the reigns of her business, I created a three-month content strategy. This included how to efficiently create content and how to repurpose across all platforms (i.e. social media, digital communications, and blog posts).

Services provided:

  • Website Updates

  • Social Media (Instagram, Facebook)

  • Content Strategy & Implementation

  • Digital Communications

  • Project Management

  • PR

Implemented #MondayMotivation on social media as part of a consistent content strategy and to better engage with her followers.

Implemented #MondayMotivation on social media as part of a consistent content strategy and to better engage with her followers.

One of many articles demonstrating her expertise in the fitness industry.

One of many articles demonstrating her expertise in the fitness industry.